Spring fever has come. And with spring fever comes dog fever. Every time, hands down, that I see an adorable little, big, or middleish dog I simply cannot bear the longing I have to own one of my own. Which brings me to this current post. I have been doing my research...googling different breeds of dogs and studying the pros and cons, reading articles like this, How To Choose The Right Dog For You. After skimming through About.com's helpful tips, I decided the best size dog for me is medium, judging by the fact that I live in a rowhouse and am technically not allowed to have pets....mum's the word.
The reason I bring this up to you, my loyal readers, is that I believe I am in a solid place in my life to become a dog owner. I live less than three blocks from work so can go home as needed. I only work 35 hours a week so will have the perfect amount of time to care/train/love a dog. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Be gentle on me. Thoughts on breed, size, etc. Although my brother believes I should wait until I live in a bigger place where I can have a bigger dog, I can't help but fall in love with each little guy that I see around DC....just strollin down the street....stoppin every once in awhile to smell the flowers. Perfect in all that they are. I leave you with a photo of my two dogs at home with my parents. Although lhasas are not on my radar, I do miss these little guys. All 3 of them. Photo courtesy of Robb.

Ash, since you asked for suggestions about being a dog owner, I'll give my two cents. Consider an older dog to adopt, not a puppy. Puppies take ALOT of time. Also, consider dogs that don't shed....a smaller dog is better for an apt. I wouldn't suggest you have a dog at this time in your life because you are gone alot, and when you are out of town or unavailable, someone has to be responsible for feeding and letting the dog outside. They also need shots (about $200.00 for an exam and shots annually, and buying food and treats. Doggies are wonderful, but take alot of time and attention. XOXOXOX