My Ode to Trader Joe's
(Composed in hopes of convincing someone to open one in Austin for it is crucial)
Ohhhhhde to Trader Joe's, you are so delightful
Nothing about you ever seems frightful
I will always know
When I go to Trader Joe's
There lies a healthy, organic meal
Available for a steal
You are always crowded and and very chaotic
TJs delicious foods dance on my taste buds
And every employee deserves a great big hug
Your ability to fit all of my items into 2 bags
Makes baggers at HEB seem like a drag
Two buck chucks have truly changed my life
Buying a bottle for more is now a strife
Not only are your prices totally unbeatable
Your establishment is worthy of trips repeatable
Hi Ashley! Came across your blog - super cute! We have Trader Joe's in Atlanta, too... Two Buck Chuck = heaven. Hope you're doing well! xo Kasie