
why i love my family...

Although I am 1,522 miles from home, my fam
ily continues to amaze me. Thanks to my father and his newfound obsession with the iPhone's photo sending feature, I am always included in the Southerland festivities. To the right, is my nephew Will, who rode his racer (my favorite of his Christmas gifts) alongside my sister on her bike from their house to ours. I must admit this is no easy feat...well done!

They then proceeded to play in the backyard on our "swing powered by NanaB..."

And earlier that week, attended the Helping Hand luncheon where my neice, Mary Elizabeth, was a princess this year.

Love and miss you all everyday! XOXO

1 comment:

  1. We love and miss you everyday too Ash! Dad loves his iphone and takes pictures everywhere we go so he can keep you connected to what's happening at home....isn't technology great!
    Your blog is great, keep posting :)) XOXOXO,Momma
