grind it up
eastern market
And last but not least, a glass of cab.
Each ingredient courtesy of Trader Joe's.
I plan to order Precious first and foremost.
And possibly other Oscar nominated films, however I can save you the time of recommending Avatar because my copy is already pre-ordered and ready for delivery.
April 22, 2010 = Earth/Pandora Day
miss it but hit it
show update
3/14 Foreign Born w/ Free Energy @ DC 9
3/18 Portugal, the Man @ 9:30 Club
4/20-21 Widespread Panic @ Warner Theater
4/24 Hot Chip w/ the xx @ 9:30 Club
5/1 My Morning Jacket @ Merriweather Post Pavilion
6/26 Phish @ Merriweather Post Pavilion
More to come...
why i love trader joe's

foreign born w/ free energy
my time to shine
why i love my family...

They then proceeded to play in the backyard on our "swing powered by NanaB..."

And earlier that week, attended the Helping Hand luncheon where my neice, Mary Elizabeth, was a princess this year.
Love and miss you all everyday! XOXO
it truly is all good...

mi cuarto
I built that 8-piece chest of drawers with my two bare hands....gotta love shopping at Ikea and doing it all yourself! As you can see, I have a little lounge area where I can work on my computer and what not, followed by my area of slumber....my sanctuary, if you will.
There is more to come once all 4 roommates are moved in and the whole place is decorated and ready for guests!!!!