
a sports fan is born

A lot of people are a little stunned and surprised that I have recently become a little bit of a sport's fanatic but once you live with a boy you too will understand. I am routing for the Celtics in the NBA Playoffs....love me some Big Baby Davis and Rondo. So if you're a Lakers fan you can see your way out ;)
I am also THRILLED that the World Cup has finally begun. You can stream live from anywhere at anytime so be sure to tune in. For those of you in DC, Patty Boom Boom will be airing every game so be sure to stop by for some Jamaican patties and futbol.
Painting I have been working on for my roomie...got a new easel and everything! I have worked on this since so will be sure to show you all the finished product. It has been SO nice getting back into my painting since school!!!!